This year was my first Mother's Day. I can honestly say that I understand and can appreciate Mother's Day, even though I haven't been a mother for very long. Giving birth to a baby alone deserves a good recognition! Sometimes being pregnant was hard to handle, but holding your baby in your arms for the first time and looking into each other's eyes and knowing in that moment that you could never love anything or anyone the way that you'll love your children, that makes everything you've gone through and will go through all worth it. My pointing being that i think even the newest of moms deserves to be recognized on Mother's Day.
For Mother's Day Zac got me quite a few things. First he sent me to get my nails done with my grandma on Tuesday, then on Thursday he surprised me with some early gifts, he got me a bracelet watch, a necklace, a super cute shirt and a new wallet, he gets so excited to give me any presents that he gets me, and today he treated me to some delicious food. He spoils me, it doesn't even have to be Mother's Day or my Birthday, he'll just randomly bring me home a present or take care of Justin for a bit so I can take a relaxing bath or nap. I have such a sweet husband!
Yesterday Zac's parents had a BBQ to celebrate Mother's Day. We got Jan a card and gave her a picture of Justin, Zac and myself, it was the first hard copy picture that we've given them of Justin, I send them pictures of him via text message all the time. We had so much fun visiting Zac's family, unfortunately we didn't get to stay for very long because had to go back to work at 6, but we did get to show off Justin, which we love doing! Zac's parents got me a Mother's Day card and present as well, they got me a Salt City Candle, which is pretty much the best kind of candles out there.
Today Zac and I went and saw my grandma to give her a Mother's Day card and a family picture as well. Last Sunday she gave me a necklace that says Eternal Love. It's so beautiful and I love it so much! We also went to see my mom, she was working so we had to wait a while before we could see her. We also gave her a card and a family picture. She wasn't able to get me anything, but having her for my mother is all I need. She truly is the best mom I could ever have, I'm so grateful for everything that she's done for me. I love her very much and hope her day was the best!
Now all I have left to say is Happy Mother's Day to all the great moms out there!
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